Jonathan Duhamel’s ex-girlfriend is getting an early pokie release, and now claims she is sorry for breaking and entering. (Image: Twitter)
The one-time girlfriend of Jonathan Duhamel and the woman who conspired to steal his 2010 WSOP Main Event bracelet, Bianca Rojas-Latraverse, has been released from jail. The Canadian siren was the mastermind behind a high-stakes robbery at Duhamel’s home in 2011, and was subsequently sentenced to 3 1/2 years in jail. The incident, which Rojas-Latraverse initially denied being a part of, saw her lead two masked men to Duhamel’s house in Montreal, where they proceeded to attack the former WSOP World Champion.
After initially refusing to give up the combination to his safe, Duhamel eventually gave in, and after riffling through his possessions, the attackers made off with around $120,000 in cash, a Rolex watch and, most significantly, his diamond-encrusted WSOP Main Event winner’s bracelet.
Soon after the incident, the police were quick to arrest four suspects, including Rojas-Latraverse, who claimed she was only involved after the event had been planned. However, further investigations showed that she was, in fact, the person who had devised the heist in an attempt to exact revenge on Duhamel, who had ended their relationship just months before the attack.
Following her incarceration, Rojas-Latraverse expressed remorse for her involvement in the incident, and actually pleaded with Canadian National Parole Board to keep her locked up during her most recent hearing. When told she was would be released three months early, Rojas-Latraverse asked to serve the remainder of her sentence behind bars. However, the judged ruled against her, stating: “The Corrections and Conditional Release Act stipulates that you will be released under supervision on the prescribed date and remain (free) until your sentence expires.”
In total, Duhamel’s ex-girlfriend spent 28 months in jail for her part in the robbery, which left her former partner with facial bruising and a dent in his bankroll.
In addition to Rojas-Latraverse, Anthony Bourque and John Stephan Clark-Lemay were also jailed for carrying out the attack and subsequent theft on Duhamel. Despite refusing to plead guilty, each assailant was eventually sentenced to four years in jail. The final perpetrator, Andres Valderrama, was also sentenced nine months after the incident, but received a lighter sentence than Rojas-Latraverse and the two attackers, as he was only the getaway driver.
As yet there has been no reaction from Duhamel on the early release, but thanks to the World Series of Poker, he was given a new bracelet to replace the one that was stolen soon after news of the theft came to light. Moreover, his run of form since the robbery in 2011 has seen him win more than $2 million, which includes a combined $1.1 million+ haul he banked at the 2012 PCA just weeks after the attack.